In Azande Studio Socket Server Settings you specifies:

  • Port Number
  • Required Heartbeat

Port Number

This is the port number the Server use.

The Clients should connect to this port.

Required Heartbeat

The purpose of the Heartbeat function is to remove the connection when the Client disappears. This is convenient when you work with your target and restart or update software. If not using the Heartbeat function all "old" connections need to be removed manually.

Every time the Server get a new message from the Client the timeout timer is restarted. If the timeout timer elapse the connection is removed.

If you set Required Heartbeat...

  • >0 ms: The Heartbeat function is Enabled. The Server will remove the the connection when more than specified time elapsed without any messages from client.
  • 0 ms: The Heartbeat function is Disabled. The Server do not require any messages from the client.

The Settings Tab have two buttons



Server Default

Sets all settings in this tab to Factory Default values.


Opens this page in your web browser.