This is a simple example demonstrating how to use the Azande Library together with a WiFi Shield or a MKR1000.

Arduinos with WINC1500 Wi-Fi Module

This example is designed for Arduino systems using the WINC1500 Wi-Fi Module.

Example devices:

- MKR1000

Arduino WiFi Shield 101

WiFi101 Library

This example requires that you have the WiFi101 library installed.

This WiFi101 Library allows you to use the Arduino WiFi Shield 101 and the MKR1000 board.

More info about WiFi101 Library

Your Configuration

To be able to run the example you need to enter your own configurations in some places:

  • Configure Wi-Fi Network
  • Configure Socket Server Connection

Configure Wi-Fi Network

In the file arduino_secrets.h you need to specify following credentials for your Wi-Fi Network:


Name of your Wi-Fi-Network.


Password to your Wi-Fi-Network.

Configure Socket Server Connection

Start Azande Studio and start the socket server. Right click the server and you will see...

In the example code enter Host Name (or IP) and Port Number.

char myPcNetworkName[] = "ZEIJLON-SYSTEMS"; // Host Name

unsigned int azandeStudioServerPortNr = 41414;  // Port number

More info about Socket/LAN


Only one feature is implemented:

"Wi-Fi Signal Strength": An Event Int32 Feature sent to Azande Studio. The event holds the Wi-Fi Signal Strength fetched from WiFi101 library.

The Range is set to [-150, 0]. Maybe you need to modify the range to fit your environment.

The circuit

No external hardware needed.

Azande Studio View

Example Chart

Running the example on a MKR1000 with a battery and walk around with the system.

Note the peek we got when holding the system very close to our Wi-Fi Router Antenna.


The example is included in the Arduino Library.

Click here to access download of the Arduino Library