• Small footprint
  • Easy to interface
  • Includes example sketches

The open source Arduino Library can be used in your Arduino Projects,

The Library will help you to setup your system as an Azande Target.

The Library also includes Embedded Macros that will help you with creation of your Features.


Click here to access download of the Arduino Library

Examples included in Library

Library Files




Contains all example sketches




Core implementation of Azande.


Header file to be #include in your application code.


Internal Configuration.


Holds all macros that will help you build your Feature. More details in Embedded Macros

Interfacing with your application code

You have following interfaces to the Azande Library:

  1. Add #include <Azande.h>
  2. Define your targetInfo object with the Embedded Macros
  3. Define your COMMAND and EVENT objects with the Embedded Macros
  4. Add Azande object: Azande azande(Serial); this will setup Azande to use Serial as communication channel (Stream).
  5. In setup() initialize the Stream you are using. example: call Serial.begin(19200); if you use Serial.
  6. In setup() call azande.begin(targetInfo);
  7. In setup() call azande.add(cmdXXX); for each Command and Event you want to use.
  8. Let Azande read incoming serial data. To get fast response call at least once every 100ms.
    • Call azande.readStream() in loop()
    • or if serialEvent() is supported in your Arduino call azande.readStream() from serialEvent().

void serialEvent()




When you want to send an event call azande.send(...);

At run time change collection of available Features

If your application changes and want to have another set of Features available for the user, do following:

  1. call  azande.clear(); This will clear the collection of Commands and Events
  2. call azande.add(cmdXXX); for each Command and Event you want to use.
  3. call azande.notify(); This will notify Azande Studio that the Feature Collection has changed. Azande Studio will now start a new Discovery Process.